Saturday, November 17, 2012

Reset Windows Password with Encrypted Drive

This is a quick how-to for resetting your Windows password, while still knowing your disk encryption password via TrueCrypt.
Most, if not all, password reset options for windows, will not work if your hard drive is encrypted with Bitlocker/TrueCrypt.
You will need a USB flash drive or CD-R, and Hiren’s BootCD. Get it here
Once your USB drive is bootable with Hiren’s, boot up from the flash drive and select Mini XP from the Hiren’s boot menu.
  • In the bottom right in the taskbar, there is an icon called “Hiren’s BootCD Program Launcher”, Click it.
  • Go to the Security / Encryption > TrueCrypt menu
  • Click Select Device, and click your hard drive. It should be the C: drive.
  • Select a drive letter, and click Mount.
  • Click Mount Options
  • Check the box that reads “Mount partition using system encryption without pre-boot authentication”
  • Enter drive encryption password.
  • Your hard drive will now be mounted as a new drive letter (temporarily)
  • Go back to the Program Launcher, Passwords / Keys > Windows Login > NTPWEdit (Reset Xp/Vista/7 User Password)
  • The NTPWedit will open with a default path to SAM file of C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\CONFIG\SAM
  • Change drive letter from C to whichever drive letter you selected to mount to, and click (Re)open.
  • Your user names will be listed.
  • Click your username, and Change Password.
  • Set the new password, and Save Changes and Exit.
Reboot and login with the new password.

Crideted : qwerty

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