Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Windows XP registry tweaks

Most settings can be done easily within Windows. However, for some setting you need to dive into the registry or use one of the many registry tweak utilities (like the Windows XP powertool TWEAKUI). On this page (and other pages), I have described some interesting registry tweaks which you can do yourself, using the registry editor.

NOTE: Be careful editing the registry. Worst case scenario: Windows won't boot anymore. If you are not sure, leave things unchanged! My advise: create a system image before making major changes!

Speed up browsing AVI files (audio/video)

By default, opening folders containing AVI files (audio/video) can be very slow because Windows is trying to extract non important information. This can be solved, by deleting the following key:

The folder view on the left in Windows Explorer automatically expands if you click on a folder containing sub-folders. You can disable this function with a registry tweak: change the DWORD-value FriendlyTree to 0 (instead of 1) in the following key:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\ Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced
Automatically expanding folders will be disabled, expanding a folder is now done by double clicking the folder.

Windows search optimization

Within Windows XP you are able to search your computer for files (Start, Search), but takes some clicking to get what you want! To optimize the search function, you have to make some registry changes. To make changes, navigate to the following key:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\ Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer
where you will find some important DWORD-values. Change these values to optimize your Windows search:
SearchSlowFiles=1 (if you have a tape drive, else: 0)

Remove shared folders My Computer

To remove the shared folders in the My Computer view, delete the value {59031a47-3f72-44a7-89c5-5595fe6b30ee} in the following key (export to a reg-file first, to have a backup):
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\My Computer\NameSpace\DelegateFolders
Saving Notepad settings

If you are a heavy user of Notepad, you probably like saving the Notepad settings on exit. To make sure your settings are saved, add/Change the DWORD-value fSavePageSettings=1 and fSaveWindowsPositions=1 in the following key:
Disable the balloon tips

Already irritated by the information balloons, covering the important buttons in the Start Menu? Start the registry editor and navigate to the following key:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\ Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced
change or add the DWORD-values EnableBalloonTips and ShowInfoTip, both with value 0.
Disable the useless Security Center warnings

If your Windows is not provided with one of the well known virus scan and/or firewall software, the Security Center will come with useless repeating reminders. The reminders can be disabled by changing the values AntiVirusDisableNotify and FirewallDisableNotify to the DWORD-value 1 in the following registry key:

Remove the low disk space warning

Probably you have seen the irritating 'low on disk space'-warning before, if your hard disk reaches full capacity. This warning message can be turned off by adding the DWORD-value NoLowDiskSpaceChecks with value 1 in the following key:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\MicroSoft\ Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer
Disabling wrapping icon/shortcut labels

Probably your desktop contains icons (shortcuts) with long names, which aren't shown completely (the are wrapped......). With a registry tweak you can disable the title wrapping, create a String value IconTitleWrap with value 0 in the following registry key:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\WindowMetrics
Disabling the blocking of pop-ups from secured sites

By default Internet Explorer blocks the pop-ups because they are mostly used for irritating advertising purposes. For secured pages (e.g. the login to a bank account), this behavior is not wished. The URL of a secured page is preceded by HTTPS instead of HTTP. The blocking of pop-ups for these HTTPS-pages can be disabled by changing the DWORD-value Allow HTTPS to 1 in the following registry key:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\New Windows
Command Console tweak

If you are a frequent user of the Command Console (the MS-DOS screen, Start, Run, command CMD), the following tweak will be valuable. To change folders is difficult, using the Command Console. By changing the DWORD-value CompletionChar to 9 in the following registry key
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor
With the command CD followed with the first letters of the folder name, you are able to select the folder with the TAB-key (also works with other commands).

Activated NUM-LOCK

To automatically switch on the NUM-LOCK, change the value InitialKeyboardIndicators to 2 in the following key:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Keyboard

Automatically defrag system files

To defrag the system files automatically at every boot (to optimize you system), change the value Enable to Y in the following registry key:

A faster Windows shutdown

Shutting down Windows can take a long time. You can speed this up (at your own risk) with the following tweaks in the registry key:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop
Change the following String values:
(the last registry value is also present in HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control)
Fix for shutting down your computer automatically

In most cases, automatically shutting down can be fixed by installing the motherboard drivers (if not done already). If your computer still doesn't shut down correctly, try this registry tweak. Change the value PowerdownAfterShutdown to 1 in the following key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon
Fix for shutting down Windows slowly (or not at all)

If shutting down Windows takes a long time (or doesn't shut down at all), change the value PowerOffActive to 1 in the following registry key:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop
Finding out the reason of a Windows crash

If you would like to know the reason why there was a sudden crash of Windows, change the DWORD-value ShutdownReasonUI temporarily to 1 in the following key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Reliability
After a reboot you will find the reason why your Windows shuts down suddenly in the log files (Control Panel, Administrative Tools, Logfiles). If you are finished analyzing, change the value ShutdownReasonUI back to 0.
A faster NTFS file system

You probably use the NTFS file system (see the properties of your C: partition). You can improve performance by making some changes in the following registry key:
Change the following registry values, as you wish:
DisableNTFSLastAccessUpdate = 1 (last file access is no longer registered).
NtfsDisable8dot3NameCreation = 1 (no more double filenames: long names and the old 8.3 variant (the 8.3 file notation is used for the older Windows versions).
NtfsMftZoneReservation = 2 (if there are many files on a partition, the master file table (MFT) can get fragmented, with this tweak there will be no more fragmenting of the file master file table (default value = 1, range 1-4).

Booting BartPE from flash memory or USB stick

It is possible to boot BartPE from flash memory of USB stick as well, but only when the BIOS of the computer supports booting from these media. Compared to a bootable CD, it takes some more effort to create BartPE on bootable flash memory. The next steps has to be done:

* Install PE Builder and configure BartPE as described above.
* Install the zip-tool 7-Zip (download:
* Create a subfolder srsp1 using the Windows Explorer (File, New, Folder) in the PE Builder location (pebuilder3110a\srsp1).
* Download Service Pack 1 for Windows 2003 server (320 MB!) and store it somewhere on the hard disk (the new subfolder in the previous step can be used as well), right click the file and select 7-Zip, Open. Browse in the archive to the folder I386, and search for the file setupldr.bin (right click the column Name to sort the archive on alphabetically), right click this file, select Copy To and select the newly created sub folder srsp1. Repeat this for the archived file ramdisk.sy_ and close 7-Zip.
* Right click the restored file ramdisk.sy_ in the sub folder pebuilder3110a\srsp1 of the PE Builder location and select 7-Zip, Open. Right click the archived file ramdisk.sys, select Copy To and again select the newly created folder srsp1.
* Download and install the HP USB Storage Format Tool (download:, unfortunately no longer available on HP's website). Place the flash memory or USB stick, start the Format tool, select the accompanying disk letter and format it with the FAT file system (ATTENTION: all files on this location will be permanently deleted!).
* In PE Builder select ISO image as Media output and start building the ISO as described earlier.
* Right click the file pe2usb.cmd in the PE Builder location and select Send to, Desktop (create shortcut). Right click the new shortcut on the desktop and select Properties. Add a space and the disk letter of the flash memory/USB stick at the end of the line next to Output:(like ...pebuilder\p23usb.cmd P:) and click OK.
* By double clicking the changed shortcut, the ISO image is transferred to the flash memory. When BartPE USB Installer is finished, the necessary files bartpe.iso, NTDETECT.COM, ntldr and winnt.sif are stored on the flash memory. Restart the computer to boot from the flash memory to start BartPE (make sure that the BIOS is set to boot these media first, else it will be skipped while booting the computer).
* When it is needed to make some changes to BartPE, the ISO file has to be recreated. The next step is to copy the ISO image to the flash memory by double clicking the p23usb.cmd shortcut.

ATTENTION: When the flash memory is booted, a virtual RAM disk is created to temporarily store the ISO image with BartPE. When there is not enough RAM memory available to store the ISO image, an error message is shown that it is not possible to load BartPE. This problem is solved by limiting the number of plugins for BartPE in the PE Builder. If possible, use the write protection option of the flash memory to make sure the stored files can't be deleted or damaged.
Using the bootable BartPE CD

After the CD has been burned, it can be booted on (almost) all computers by placing the CD in the CD/DVD player and rebooting the computer. If the computer won't boot the CD, check the boot order (which is stored in the BIOS settings). As soon as BartPE is booted, the start menu is shown by clicking the button Go:

The BartPE environment.

Change some settings
After BartPE is booted, some settings can be changed. One of the settings is asked for when BartPE is started: if you would like to use network support, it has to be confirmed (answer No when network support is not needed). Another setting is the screen resolution, which is changed by Go, System, Display (there are no wide screen resolutions available yet).

Activating network support after booting BartPE.

ATTENTION: If BartPE misses some features (like an inaccessible hard disk or no network support), then additional drivers have to be added to the CD (how to do this, is discussed later on).

Using the file manager

Like mentioned earlier, BartPE offers support for partitions with the NTFS file system (there are not many bootable CD's which do...). In BartPE, the default file manager A43 File Management Utility is used to read, copy, edit and delete files on these partitions. BartPE offers support for USB sticks and other flash memory as well! The combination of these two properties makes BartPE the perfect tool for copying files to a safe location, especially when it is no longer possible to boot Windows. It is also possible to edit, move and/or delete files which are not accessible within the normal Windows environment because they are occupied by other running processes.

TIP: With the free Windows version of Partition Saving (download: it is possible to create an image of the Windows partition (which can be stored directly to an external hard disk). The page about creating a system image explains in detail how to do this.

Monday, August 29, 2011

reset winsock / acquiring ntwork

When you have network connectivity problem and you have done all the checking like LAN cable check, switch/router power-cycle and yet you are still unable to get an IP address from your DHCP server or It shows limited network connectivity. Then, you might need to reset your winsock. This winsock fix will restore the winsock related libraries to its stock state.

Winsock is a Microsoft Windows DLL file that provides the interface to TCP/IP services, essentially allowing Windows to use Web browsers, FTP programs, and others.

Here’s how to reset your winsock in windows XP / 200(x)

1. Open the command prompt

2. Type in “netsh winsock reset” (without the quotes)

3. After resetting winsock, Restart your computer.

That’s it, you have successfully reset your winsock.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

GPRS Setting For DiGi, Maxis and Celcom / Setting GPRS and MMS for China Phone

Setting GPRS and MMS for China Phone

Maxis GPRS Setting

Step 1 : Select “Entertainment”
Step 2 : Select “Service”
Step 3 : Select “Data Account”
Step 4 : Select “GPRS” then select any of the “Account”
Step 5 : Select “Edit”
Step 6 : Enter following data :
1. Account Name : Maxis WAP
2. APN : net
3. User name : maxis
4. Password : wap
5. Auth. Type : Normal
Step 7 : After the setting completed, select “Back” 2x

Step 1 : Select “Entertainment”
Step 2 : Select “Service”
Step 3 : Select “WAP” then select “Setting”
Step 4 : Select “Edit Profile”
Step 5 : Select any of the profile
Step 6 : Select “Edit Profile”
Step 7 : GPRS Setting :
1. Rename Profile : Maxis WAP (GPRS)
2. Homepage Setting :
3. Data Account : Maxis WAP
4. Select “Connection Type” then select “HTTP” then select “OK”
- Proxy Address :
- Proxy Port : 80
5. User name : maxis
6. Password : wap
Step 8 : Save the profile

Maxis MMS Setting

Step 1 : Select “PIM”
Step 2 : Select “Messages”
Step 3 : Select “MMS”
Step 4 : Select “Message Settings”
Step 5 : Select “Server Profile”
Step 6 : Select ,press “OK” then select “Edit Profile”
Step 7 : MMS Setting :
1. Rename Profile : Maxis MMS
2. Homepage :
3. Data Account : Maxis WAP
4. Connection Type : select “HTTP” then select “OK”
- Proxy Address :
- Proxy Port : 80
5. User name : Maxis
6. Password : wap
Step 8 : Save the profile

Celcom GPRS Setting

Step 1 : Select “Entertainment”
Step 2 : Select “Service”
Step 3 : Select “Data Account”
Step 4 : Select “GPRS” then select any of the “Account”
Step 5 : Select “Edit”
Step 6 : Enter following data :
1. Account Name : celcom3G
2. APN : celcom3g
3. User name :
4. Password :
5. Auth. Type : Normal
Step 7 : After the setting completed, select “Back” 2x

Step 1 : Select “Entertainment”
Step 2 : Select “Service”
Step 3 : Select “WAP” then select “Setting”
Step 4 : Select “Edit Profile”
Step 5 : Select any of the profile
Step 6 : Select “Edit Profile”
Step 7 : GPRS Setting :
1. Rename Profile : Celcom 3G
2. Homepage Setting :
3. Data Account : celcom3g
4. Select “Connection Type” then select “HTTP” then select “OK”
- Proxy Address :
- Proxy Port : 8080
5. User name :
6. Password :
Step 8 : Save the profile

Celcom MMS Setting

Step 1 : Select “PIM”
Step 2 : Select “Messages”
Step 3 : Select “MMS”
Step 4 : Select “Message Settings”
Step 5 : Select “Server Profile”
Step 6 : Select ,press “OK” then select “Edit Profile”
Step 7 : MMS Setting :
1. Rename Profile : Celcom 3G
2. Homepage :
3. Data Account : Celcom3G
4. Connection Type : select “HTTP” then select “OK”
- Proxy Address :
- Proxy Port : 8080
5. User name :
6. Password :
Step 8 : Save the profile

Digi Manual setting
Manual WAP Settings
• On Desk, tab Control Panel -> Internet setup. (or similar)
• Tab New access pt. and tab No, then tab Next and key in the following:
Connection name: DiGi GPRS
Data bearer: GPRS
• Tab Next
Network type: IPv4
Auto-retrieve access point: (Unchecked)
Access point: digiwap
• Tab Next and key in the following.
Prompt password at every login: (Unchecked)
Username: digi
Password: digi
• Tab Next then tab Finish and OK to complete the setup.

MMS Settings

• On Desk, tab Messaging and then press the Menu key -> Tools -> Message settings -> Multimedia message… (or similar)
• Tab Internet setup, then tab Next and key in the following:
Internet settings name: DiGi MMS
Data bearer: GPRS
• Tab Next
Network type: IPv4
Auto-retrieve access point: (Unchecked)
Access point: digimms
• Tab Next and key in the following.
Prompt password at every login: (Unchecked)
Username: mms
Password: mms
• Tab Next then tab Advanced, under Proxies, key in the following:
Protocol: HTTP
Use proxy: (Checked)
Proxy server address:
Port number: 80
• Tab OK then Finish
• Under Homepage, key in and tab OK to complete the setup.
• To send a MMS, under the Messaging menu, tab New multimedia msg.

Shortcuts for phone settings

Change language: *#0044# + dial for English
Check Version: *#8375#
Firmware version: *#8882#
Debug:*#8899# (?)
IMEI number:*#06#
Restore factory setting:*#66*#
Factory setting:*#3646633#
Auto test:*#87#
Password for restore factory setting: 1122



Account Name : DiGi GPRS
APN : digiwap
User : digi
Password : *Leave it empty
Auth. type : Normal

For DiGi, you need to set another data account for MMS with the settings below :

Account Name : DiGi MMS
APN : digimms
User : mms
Password : mms
Auth. type : Normal

Maxis GPRS

Account Name : Maxis WAP GPRS
APN : net
User : maxis
Password : net
Auth. type : Normal

5. Then save this setting and go back to the Services menu. There you will find WAP/Browser, enter it and select settings.
Click on edit profile and select edit profile and input these settings.


Profile : DiGi GPRS
Homepage :
Data account : DiGi GPRS (Just need to select)
User name : digi
Password : *Leave it empty


Profile : Maxis WAP GPRS
Homepage :
Data account : Maxis WAP GPRS (Just need to select)
User name : maxis
Password : wap

OK, now this is the tricky part in China phones. In that same menu you will see Connection Type which is originally set to HTTP. In our setting¡¯s we also need to set it it HTTP but don¡¯t just leave it like that.
6. Select HTTP and enter it and then you will find proxy address and proxy port. These are the most important part of setting up this GPRS/MMS.

Proxy address :
Proxy port : 80

Proxy address :
Proxy Port : 80

7. Now for MMS, navigate to the MMS messaging area and you will find MMS Settings. Select Server Profile and edit any of those with these settings :


Profile : DiGi MMS
Homepage :
Data Account : DiGi MMS
Connection Type : HTTP ( Please refer no. 6 to input the proxies)
Proxy address :
Proxy Port : 80
User : mms
Password : mms


Profile : Maxis MMS GPRS
Homepage :
Data Account : Maxis WAP GPRS
Connection Type : HTTP ( Please refer no. 6 to input the proxies)
Proxy address :
Proxy Port : 80
User : maxis
Password : wap


Maxis (also Hotlink)

Maxis currently offers the iPhone to its customers. If you purchased your iPhone from Maxis and it doesn’t work on Maxis or their prepaid Hotlink service, please check with them.

Internet Settings

APN: unet or net
Username: maxis
Password: wap

MMS Settings

APN: unet
Username: maxis
Password: wap
MMS Proxy:
MMS Max Message Size: 307200

Internet Settings

APN: digimms
Username: mms
Password: mms
MMSproxy :
MMS Max Message Size: 307200

Celcom (also Xpax)

Internet Settings

APN : (if you have Postpaid non-3G SIM)
APN : celcom3g (if you have a 3G Sim)
APN : celcom (if you have an Xpax Prepaid Sim)

MMS Settings

APN: celcom3g (if you have a 3G SIM)
MMS Proxy:
MMS Max Message Size:
MMS UA Prof URL: (if you don’t have a 3G SIM)
MMS Proxy:
MMS Max Message Size:

U Mobile

Internet Settings

APN: my3g

MMS Settings
APN: my3g
MMS Proxy:

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Monday, August 1, 2011

Backup Utility

echo off
echo This driver backup batch file was developed by Lincoln Spector
echo for PC World. It will back up the folders containing your
echo hardware drivers to a folder called driverback inside My Documents.
cd "%homepath%\my documents"
md driverback
cd driverback
xcopy %windir%\help /y
xcopy %windir%\inf /r /y
xcopy %windir%\system /r /y
xcopy %windir%\system32 /r /y
xcopy %windir%\system32\drivers /r /y
cd ..
attrib -h driverback
echo The folders are backed up. You should now copy the contents of the
echo driverback folder to a CD.

then save as Backup.bat