Saturday, July 17, 2010

Scan-and-repair with OS disc

1. Click Start.

2. Click Run.

3. Type SFC /scannow in the run command slot. (Note: there is a space after SFC and that's a FORWARD slash in the middle, there.)

4. Press OK button below on run command menu box..

It will ask for your operating system disc/CD. Put it in your CD-ROM, and let it work.

This tweak appears harmless, and unlike some other tweaks, doesn't seem likely to challenge your system. It may help you when doing a spaced sequence of those things one does in order to 'cover your bases,' like chkdsk, ipconfig /flushdns, disk defragmenter, Disk properties file check with recovery of bad sectors, Comchec, DISKPERF -N, unchecking unneeded services in msconfig Start tab, etc.

This tip may not substitute for a full system repair, reinstall, update, or upgrade, however.

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