Monday, December 9, 2013

Opera Mini: How to make opera mini fast then before

Hey! Gone are the Days of Slow Opera Mini Browsing even with your MB, You can now enjoy Fast Internet Browsing on your Phone using Operamini. FOLLOW THIS STEPS 1. Open your Opera mini 2. Now go to your Address Bar & erase the www. or order site url in the Bar 3. Enter this in the Address Bar "opera:config" without (") 4. It will Open the Power Settings 5. Change the FIRST OPTION "Large placeholders for images" from YES to NO 6. Change the SECOND OPTION "Fit text to screen" from YES to NO 7. Change the THIRD OPTION 'Loading timeout' to 20 8. Scroll down to the bottom of the page settings and click on Save. 9. Then exit your Opera and re-open it, You are good to Go. Have a nice day.